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    bravery 結果共7筆

  • Mother praises son’s courage in Taichung Metro incident

    Discover the story of bravery on the Taichung Metro, where a young man named Hsu confronted a knife-wielding attacker, protecting passengers and sustaining injuries. Learn about his heroic act and his mother’s pride.
    2024/05/22 13:36
  • Taichung metro hero safe after surgery, warns of scam

    Discover the story of Hsu, a brave individual who intervened during a random attack on the Taichung Metro, and his warning about a scam exploiting his heroism. Learn how to stay vigilant.
    2024/05/22 11:08
  • Taichung mayor awards heroes free metro rides for life

    Discover how Taichung’s Mayor Lu Shiow-yen honors two citizens with lifetime free metro rides for their bravery during a violent incident on the Taichung Metro, and the community’s collective courage.
    2024/05/22 10:30
  • Heroic Rescue Dog Roger makes int’l news after earthquake

    Discover the inspiring journey of Roger, a rescue dog from the Kaohsiung Fire Bureau, who became a hero by finding victims in the aftermath of a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan. Initially trained as a drug-sniffing dog, Roger’s boundless energy led him to a career in search and rescue, culminating in international recognition for his bravery. As he approaches retirement, Roger’s story highlights the invaluable contributions of rescue dogs in disaster relief.
    2024/04/10 15:53
  • Tsai honors child rights advocate at ADHRA ceremony

    President Tsai Ing-wen presented the Asia Democracy and Human Rights Award to Amihan V. Abueva at a ceremony in Taipei. Abueva, the Regional Executive Director of the Child Rights Coalition Asia, was recognized for her advocacy against violence on children, including human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Tsai commended Abueva’s selflessness and bravery in creating a safer world for children and highlighted Taiwan’s efforts to incorporate international child rights standards into domestic law. Legislative Speaker You Si-kun emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to democracy and human rights, stating that the award reflects the country’s support for democratic values.
    2023/12/07 18:09
  • 抓起從10樓扔下!男弄殘6歲童 竟回:想上電視

    英國倫敦今年8月初發生1起離譜的謀殺案,當時1名18歲的男子喬蒂(Jonty Bravery)在逛美術館時,突然抓住1名6歲的法國男童,將其從美術館的10樓陽台扔下,雖然男童送醫後撿回1命,但因四肢、脊椎骨折及腦出血,很長一段時間無法正常說話和進食。令人憤怒的是,喬蒂事後向警方坦言,自己會這樣做是因為「想上電視」。
    2019/12/07 17:22
  • 怪男抱6歲童往10樓外拋 家人崩潰:腦出血+全身骨折

    英國日前發生一起驚悚案件,一名18歲男子在倫敦泰特現代美術館(Tate Modern art Museum)突襲一位法國女性,並將其手中的6歲男童搶走,直接將男童從10樓向外拋,當場全身骨折外加腦出血,男童送醫急救後,雖然沒有生命危險,但他現在只有舌頭以及右手能夠稍微活動。
    2019/10/03 10:46
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